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News and Video links:

How to use: An abbreviated listing of 9 items is shown in the sidebar. Hover over each headline to see an extract, or click on each headline to go the original complete article.

About: The micronational news is provided by our aggregators of feeds from micronational blogs, journals, tweets, searches and videos. A feed is an automatically-generated formattable file that allows published article titles and content to be syndicated for display on other sites.

Add your micronational journal or blog: If you would like us to add your feed, please leave a message below with a relevant link. If your site does not have its own feed, we will not be able to include it.

Please note that you will need a user account to leave comments.

© Micronations News Network. All rights reserved.

52 thoughts on “News”

  1. Hello,
    My friends and I have a micronation. I’ve made a website for it, design ideas, national anthem, national motto etc. etc. I was told by one of my good micronationalist friends that this site could help us with advertising our micronation, would you be able to help us with that?
    Thank you

  2. Much obliged.

  3. It has been added.

  4. Please add the Triumvirate’s news feed:

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